Hi Margarita,
Thank you for the pedigree. Neo is doing great. He has such a great personality. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful kitten. Attached are a couple of photos.
Warm Regards

If you want a furry friend with a calm and cheerful personality, the Russian Blue is a great choice. Although this feline might be a little nervous around strangers initially, it’s also extremely affectionate and loyal. The Russian Blue also likes sitting quietly by your side while you relax and following you around the house from time to time.
If you’re feeling playful, the Russian Blue will be happy for your attention, and will often indulge you in a game of fetch. However, these cats can live without the attention of their humans for some time and know how to entertain themselves.
Cornish Rex Kittens
Cornish Rex cats are active, lovely cats that love to interact with their companions. They will want to be where you are, at all times. They are highly intelligent, love to play and will entertain you with their hilarious antics. They love to play games which makes them wonderful pets for families with children. But, just because they are very busy and active doesn’t mean they aren’t loving. They are incredibly affectionate and loyal and will purr their way into anyone’s heart. They will happily play any game you have in mind and love to play fetch and climb to great heights.

Scottish Kittens
Scottish, whether with folded ears or with normal ears, are typically good-natured and placid and adjust to other animals within a household extremely well. They tend to become very attached to their human caregivers and are by nature quite affectionate. Folds also receive high marks for playfulness, grooming and intelligence. These animals like to be outdoors and enjoy outdoor games and activities very much. Loneliness is something they heavily dislike and which makes them feel depressed. It is also common for Scottish Folds to be stubborn.
About Cattery

Cattery name Royal Blue cat.
Our Nursery operates on the US market, more than 7 years.
Our kittens live in more than 30 states of the USA. About our cattery, we have videos were shot by our clients, we have a large archive of photos and videos of our happy pets in a new family, as well as letters with grateful responses from our clients. Please visit our Instagram and our Alumni section, as well as our YouTube channel.
We have 3 different breeds of kittens, (Cornish Rex, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold / Straight, which are created for the family, our purebred kittens do not have the aggression gene.
We support our kitten breeds with rare fur and eye colors. Our kittens are brought up for a family with children or for single people, so that each family has a beloved friend with whom you can talk, whom you can caress and pick up without any problems. All our kittens have a sweet character, because they have pure bloodof their breed. Our kittens do not communicate with sick animals, they live in separate rooms with their mothers, have a lot of toys and cat trees, and also have a lot of love from our hearts, we do everything for the healthy development of a kitten for you …
We work with kittens 24 hours, every day.
Policy of our cattery
We put the waiting List for kittens only after signing the contract and making a deposit.
A $200 non refundable deposit is require to hold the kitten of your choice
Due to personal safety, liability and the health and safety of our Cats and Kittens, we prefer to meet in a public place. Many Sicknesses are easily transferred via clothing and shoes! Allowing visitors into our home and cattery puts our cats and especially our underage kittens are risk. We take the health of our kittens and cats very seriously. This policy is to help ensure the kittens we send to their new homes are as healthy as possible!
We answer letters from clients from 24 hours to 72 hours.
I can’t believe I didn’t know about these cats before, you won’t get so much love from any dog, and he’s so smart, we all adore him
2 Thank you Margarita! Zulfiqar is such a sweet and loving kitten!
Thank you again Margarita!
He’s warmed up to our family very nicely! He loves to cuddle
He plays like a dog it’s hilarious!
He has brought me the ball sometimes if I ask haha.
He surly is a smart kitty
I called it Cat Olympic Boxing, was watching Olympics at the time
Mira is doing GREAT! She is so sweet, curious and loving. I am so happy I went with your cattery 😍